Registration process for LaSE Legacy FP Programme

Please read the guidance document available to download before completing the form below. The signed Learning Agreement are the terms and conditions for registration onto this programme, please ensure a signed learning agreement is in place prior to completing the registration process; this learning agreement should be uploaded to the e-portfolio system once the FP has access. 
This programme is open for applications until 30th July 2021 and FP's registered onto the programme will have 12 months to complete.  EPDs will need to download the registration form excel document, complete and upload with submission of this online form. 
Applications will be administered at the beginning of each month and FPs and ES will be contacted with the next steps. 

Please read the LFPP Handbook, and complete the Learning Agreement prior to  completing the FP Registration to the programme excel spreadsheet. Complete the online form below and submit your completed registration document.